World School of Integrative Therapies and Medicine

About Us

The Values


We at the Natural Health School of INTEGRATIVE THERAPIES are here to help you with your studies and qualify for a New Career in Holistic Therapies.

We pay different attention to each student who is linked to our courses, studying at their home, so that we can start them on their new journey or help them to continue their professional development.

Our education is truly holistic – our courses ‘never expire’, allowing you to get on with your life. No stress. The only deadlines are the ones you make! Whether you are a qualified therapist looking to expand your treatment portfolio, or simply someone looking to improve your own health or that of your friends and family… for everyone we always have Natural Healing Courses suitable.

If you choose to attend one of our Natural Energies Course Rooms at Our School, you can be sure that your curriculum will have depth of knowledge and your life perspectives will be enriched forever.

1) Empathy and Compassion   
2) Intellectual integrity             
3) Commitment to duty and sincerity 
4) Practices                 

 Who We Are

Since we started training courses close to 10 years ago, we have formed a friendly and very professional team that has helped to prepare and train large numbers of students in their chosen natural health fields. 

Our track record: Few ‘online’ distance learning establishments offer you the vast number of courses we offer in the field of Holistic Therapy and what’s more, at ‘fair and affordable prices’! 

We have courses in progress on other platforms and we are opening our work here, with a clear objective based on respect for each individuality.

Eligibility: Upon successful completion of any of our courses, students will receive a ‘Practitioner/Therapist/Training Level Certification’ in which to participate.

Our certainty: Today’s clients/patients expect therapists to be more professional, more capable. When they visit, they want to be advised and treated by a truly trained and qualified therapist.

With our experience and dedication, you will have the therapeutic training that society is looking for, to take care and guide you, in the search for rebalancing and harmonizing your families and homes.

      What We Do And Offer

  • Accredited and secure qualifications  !
  • Enjoy our  experience – we are prepared to wake you up!
  • Training for beginners to the best level of therapist!
  • Distance Learning – Individualized home study, without having to travel! At any distance.
  • Study methods suitable for everyone – you will work with our team supporting you in  self-study  or with one of our  tutors!
  • Exceptionally affordable courses  – over 25 to choose from!
  • Sign up online and choose a payment method that suits your moment or ask us over the phone!
  • Access  your classes  immediately (PDF files, video classes and extensive support material)!
  • Courses completed directly on the platform and always contact you by  email!
  • Easy to understand  course material!
  • Varied exercises/questions per class plus the final exam of the  course  !
  • No  time limits  or deadlines!
  • Study to  suit your lifestyle  , from anywhere in the world!
  • Work as a  ‘Professional Therapist’  after completing the course!

Work Team

Our life, our stories

The personal history of each of us has always been related to
with serving others.
Many times
even as children… we feel the vibrations of energies around us
filling us in certain moments
moments, but still without understanding what it really was.
Then life prepared us, and the universe pointed us to the path of change.

We found ourselves to walk together in Integrative Medicine and Integrative Therapies through its therapeutic practices.

We are one of many energies, experienced and dynamic. Ready to offer you the support you need to live the way we did, making it possible for us to be here.

It is a story of great battles and smaller battles…that must always exist to mold the good man and the good women in life.

Learning to know yourself is the great secret! Self-knowledge!

Only through daily learning can we harmonize our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

And, only through good preparation in qualification trainings, will become able to use their energy to heal others in imbalance.

This is the moment!
This is the Time!
We are here to help you in whatever you need!

Welcome to our school, which will transform your journey!


Juliane de OLiveira e Pereira

Pedagogue, Specialist in Guidance, Supervision and Direction. Post-Graduation in Literacy and the 9 Fundamental Years.

Since a long time turned her gaze to Holistic Therapies, following the Soul.

Post-Graduation in Integrative and Complementary Health Practices.

– Arcturian Metaphysical Healing of the Diseases, Lemurian-Atlantic Healing, Quantum Astrology, Crystals and Etheric Crystals, Chakras, Great White Brotherhood – Initiation into the 7 Cosmic Rays, Radionics and Radionics Table, Physiology of the Body and Soul, Iridology, Quantum Apometry, Chromotherapy, Aromatherapy, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, Usui Ryoho Reiki Master, Geobiology, Tibetan Reiki Master, Karuna Ki Master and Systemic Constellator.

My name is Ricardo  Pereira

I am today the Administrator of World School of Integrative Medicine, with the certainty of dedicating myself with much responsibility in this mission, to take knowledge and transformation to the greatest number of people.

I am 59 years old and feel prepared to exercise this function, for all the experience I have in instructing students and therapists on all continents.

I am very grateful to be here! Count on me always!

Undergraduate Student In Biomedicine, Biology And Nutrition

–Human Anatomy And Physiology , General Physiopathology, Anatomorphophysiology Of The Digestive, Endocrine, Urinary And Reproductive Systems, Anatomophysiology Of The Integumentary And Locomotor Systems, Anatomorphophysiology Of The Cardiorespiratory And Nervous Systems, Certification And Standardization In Anthropometry, International Certification In Nutritional Psychiatry,  Nutritional Modulation In Cardioendocrinology, Endocannabinoid Therapeutics, Medical Cannabis Course, Humanvirology, Pre-Hospital Care And First Aid, Certifying Cardiovascular Physiology And Hypertension, Dominant Clinical Analysis, Epidemiology, Cardiopulmonary Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology And Hypertension, Infectology -Clinical Basis And Treatment, Phytotherapic Medicine,  Main Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Interpretation Of Laboratory Tests And Microbiota, Laboratory Management And Quality Control, Family Health,Emergency And Emergency Health, Phytotherapy For Emotional Disorders: From Phytogenomics To Practice, Enteral Diet Prescription, Functional Nutrition And Laboratory Tests, Functional Nutrition And Laboratory Tests In Diabetes, Nutrition In Autism: From Theory To Practice

Acupuncture Training, Occupational Therapist, Orthomolecular, Bio Magnetism, Apometry, Xamanism, Reiki Master In 03 Versions, Karuna Ki Master, Mother Maria, Archangels, Physitherapist, Oligotherapist, Quantum Astrology, Family Systemic Constellation, Arcturian Healing And Healing Chambers, Pleiadian Healing, Lemurian Healing

Instructor Of Over 98 Courses (Integrative/Health)

Luciana Magalhães

I have been married for 13 years, I am the mother of a 3 year old boy and I am the youngest of 4 sisters. I have been a Biomedical doctor for 6 years, I work in the area of Immunohematology at Hospital Madrecor in Uberlândia, by the company Vita Hemoterapia. 

I have a postgraduate degree in Chinese Medicine and currently focus on specializing in Fertility and Women’s Health. After finishing the Faculty came the desire to get pregnant and I had difficulties, it was almost 3 harrowing years trying without success and support, so I saw myself with the opportunity to unite my knowledge in the scientific area of Biomedicine with PICS – Complementary Integrative Practices, mainly with a focus on in Chinese Medicine. 

So today my goal and great pleasure is to help couples fulfill the dream of motherhood and fatherhood, in a more humane and integrative way with the vision of Chinese Medicine and other Complementary Integrative Practices.   

Frequently asked and important questions

Online education schools, like the World School, offer families the opportunity to connect to their online classroom entirely from home or anywhere with an Internet connection and learn everything that is delivered to physical students.

Students learn from qualified instructors who are specially trained to deliver to students in the online classroom and make learning empowering. Whether the student is in basic or advanced education, the online school can provide a safe and supportive learning environment that caters to students wherever they are.

Learning plans are personalized for each modality, students’ strengths are noted, and they feel supported in overcoming challenges.

The first and main way to enroll in Our School is through the Partner Associations, because besides generating direct access, it also enables the generation of discount coupons.

The other way is to enroll directly and your login and be part of the learning acquired

In fact, the courses we offer have a term of study reference, where if the didactics offered are applied, they are sufficient to complete your course.

The deadlines for completion are always listed at the front of each course – 30/60/90/120/150 hours for completion.

But each student is free to study at the time and place he or she chooses, due to the possibilities of studying when he or she can.

As aulas acontecem dentro da nossa Plataforma exclusiva, com recursos modernos que permitem um melhor desempenho. Em módulos programados.

O conteúdo está em Apostilas em PDF, para download e impressão, com explicações em vídeo e materiais complementares. Podem ser em áudio livro ou apenas em áudio.

Each course has a mentor who is always prepared to provide clarifications and answer questions.
Students can use the internal forum of each course, where they can discuss and ask questions to the mentor, which will be answered shortly.

They can also access the communication channels of the World School, through e-mail or app messages.

The World School is ahead with the measures to make access more flexible for the handicapped in various ways.

Even being an integral online study, we are preparing ourselves with the technology in order to allow the deaf, dumb and also the blind.

We are also looking at those who live with ETA-related syndromes.

Most courses are offered to associations that become partners of the World School.
By signing up as annual members.
This is a great design of online school activity.

For other students (non-members) we have a financial support platform, which receives online, through credit cards and other modalities, that bring security and agility in the enrollment interface. Just click on one of the courses and you will be directed.

When talking about online courses, it is essential to distinguish what type of online courses we are considering. The great dividing line is between online courses with credit offered as part of a degree program and online courses without credit that result in a certificate or other non-traditional credential.

For any online course scenario, with or without credit, the most important thing is that the online course design achieves its goals. To judge success, we need to know what work the student is hiring that course to accomplish. These objectives will differ between and within various online courses with and without credit.

If you have to pick one factor that drives the success of online courses, look at engagement. If a student is not engaged with the course, their learning process, and the educator conducting the course, transformation will not occur.

Especially the care we have for each student who arrives without much direction and for those who are walking together.

We have the concern to prepare the students to live the changes that the Planet is experiencing.

Without knowledge, nobody will be able to walk for a long time, because the formal and informal job opportunities are following this trend of technological modernity.

Wundial school courses are a reference to bring change and security to everyone.

When you wish, please contact us using this form:

Ask any questions
Or just to say YES!

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