World School of Integrative Therapies and Medicine

Here Your Transformation Begins

Welcome to the Course Platform with the Best Trainings in Integrative Medicine and Therapies

Highlighted Training

Your learning takes place in a secure and dynamic virtual environment

Tests to test your knowledge

Constant interaction so that you can evaluate your knowledge

Premium Material

Course materials and extra content in pdf format, videos and audios


The Silent and Technical Advance of Integrative Therapies

Integrative therapies are a progressive form of treatments that combine different therapeutic tools and approaches to meet the needs of each client. With an understanding of normal human development, an integrative therapist develops, through study and specialization, some standard treatments to fill in the gaps and develop actions in each client’s recovery in different ways. 
         By combining elements extracted from different knowledge, Integrative Medicine becomes a more flexible and inclusive approach to treatment than the more traditional and singular forms, perceiving the client as the most important element to act in the process of their rebalancing.  

Partner Institutions

Enabling your transformation

Your learning experience will always be based on cutting edge Cognitive Therapy. With several different techniques, through modern learning resources and ready to help you achieve your goals. Our approach follows three fundamental principles:


Get ready to learn new knowledge and skills in a variety of ways. From engaging lectures and videos with dynamic content, to data integration and many interactive add-ons.


Demonstrating your knowledge is a learning opportunity. Our courses and didactics provide a space to practice with quizzes, open-response assessments, virtual environments and much more.


Learning in our EAD transforms how you think and what you can do, translating directly into the real world, where you will immediately apply your new resources in the context of your work.

Some of our outstanding courses

Quando você se registra, sua transformação começa. A energia começa a ser trocada

Qualify yourself with our professional training and your dedication

"The biggest benefit of eLearning is the total lack of pressure. Because you can set your own schedule and study only when you have time, eLearning makes learning not something you have to overcome, but something you look forward to! With experience, you learn more when you enjoy the process."

“One of the most important areas we can develop as professionals is competence in accessing and sharing new knowledge.

The study in our EAD leads us to this perspective!”

Mr. Ricardo – Founder & Instructor

“Online learning offers fantastic flexibility, among other benefits, and helps make the task of organising development opportunities much easier. In addition, the ability for users to access content when they need it provides the just-in-time element that is so critical to the applicability of corporate work. Adult learners want learning to be specific to their work, fast and with merit, and using an online platform allows users to learn at their own pace and use when needed. It’s a win-win for everyone.”


With an attentive and very experienced team, we are ready to offer you the Best in Online Study Systems.
We are trained in Platforms to act alongside you in your achievements.

Advance without fear!
Your Future now has a new Version!

Our team of trainers are the professionals who will accompany you on your Learning Journey.

Much more than simple advisors, they will walk with you towards your Professional Transformation.
The motto of this team is: Everyone arrives together at the end!
The victory is yours and the satisfaction is for all of us!

“Online learning allows your students to train with complete autonomy and flexibility. It explores the fundamentals of intrinsic motivation and allows each individual participant to control their own learning journey.”

What Our Students Have to Say

I am very grateful to Mestre Ricardo and all of his team for the responsibility, seriousness, commitment, and love with which they carry out their training work, through the various courses available. I have been taking the courses for two years, and these trainings have led me to a transforming process, both personally and professionally. As Master always says: "change is a process that starts within us, from the inside out. Access to the courses through the platform is practical and easy, which greatly optimizes the study routine. The courses are structured in a very didactic, organized way. Textbooks are made available, in addition to supplementary materials, video classes, a methodology that enriches and facilitates our training process. The support team that works with Master Ricardo is exceptional! Thanks to you for everything always!
Ana Spagnoulo
From Uberlândia, MG
I want to leave my testimonial about the Courses I took with Master Ricardo. "The Seven Cosmic Rays" - This Course opened my conscious mind with my heart, expanding my capacity of surrender and trust for a loving connection with our beloved Masters of the Great White Fraternity. I recommend it to everyone who is vibrating for an encounter with themselves, for humanity, and for a fraternal, supportive, and peaceful Earth. I took "Reiki I, II" and with registration ready for "Reiki III". These courses are the basis for those who wish to work as therapists, helping themselves and others. I am very grateful to Master Ricardo for his dedication in this work of pure Light. I have only one word. Gratitude !!!!
Zeli Teixeira
My name is Eunice Marques and I am a student of Master Ricardo's courses. The way the classes are, you can feel a fantastic connection with spirituality and I say that it has added a lot in my therapeutic treatments. The courses are in a platform of easy access and I recommend that you do it, because it is worth a lot, besides the values are accessible. Thanks to the school for the way it is conducted with seriousness.
Eunice Marques
From Belo Horizonte
"Following the journey amidst doubts and uncertainties, always seeking the awakening of consciousness. The courses I have taken have been making me useful, useful, taking care of myself. Healing myself internally. The healing of the soul!" The new beginning" Following the classes of the courses through the platform makes it easier to study. The platform is effective, easy to access. Very complete.
Ivone Rodrigues
From São Paulo
I, Gilberto Ferreira de Freitas, would like to stress the importance of online courses on the platform. You can adapt days and times to study. In my specific case of diabetic retinopathy treatment, the audio book is amazing. Thanks to the universe for this opportunity 🙏🏾
Giberto Ferreira
From Belo Horizonte
I did the Initiation to Ascended Masters course, with Master Ricardo and, during the course, the connection with the Ascended Masters was gradually increasing. Besides all the support that Master Ricardo provides to his students, he makes available a booklet rich in content, besides all the audios of meditations and several other books that add to the knowledge. For those who seek knowledge experienced with the Ascended Masters, I recommend and affirm, it only depends on one's own dedication to achieve contact with Them, because the method of this course leads us to achieve the purpose.
Leda Berton
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